The Role of Media in our Society

Media has always played a huge role in our society. For a long time media was one of the methods of controlling people and leisure. In ancient times, when there was no newspapers and television, people used literature as source of information. Some books like "the Iliad", and different stories about great kings, shows those people the information about them.

Nowadays, media is one of the main part of our lives and our society, because we use word media, to combine all sources of information. Average man is spending 4 hours a day on watching T.V and reading newspapers. There're a lot of different type of information sources, all of them are specific and dedicated for. There are two types of newspapers Broadsheet and Tabloids.

Broadsheet newspapers are targeted at those who like more realistic approaches to news. Their articles focus more on including political and foreign items. However their publication is less popular than the tabloids.

Tabloids newspapers are aimed at people who are just expecting amusement from newspapers. Although they do cover some news, they tend to contain more gossip, personality issues, shorter articles and more picture than for me I like broadsheets more because there are only useful facts and no silly stories and pictures. Five type of media every Marketer needs to know many marketers box themselves in when they only think "social", deposit the wealth of platforms available today.

Modern world of Social media is confined to the big players such are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok  and YouTube. From the most popular platforms to the more obscure, it's crucial that marketers today understand the best practices of any social sites. From micro-communities to household names, we're broken down the five types of social media every marketer should be well aware of Social Networking Sites.

Social Networking Sites

The term "Social" Network is synonymous with Facebook, although the big-pictures concept applies to most major social sites. In short, social networking sites encourage users to post, share and respond to each other's content. From blog posts to infographics and beyond, just about any form of content is welcome.

From communities and discuss relevant news within those communities. The social networking sites look like in action.

Image Sharing & Messaging Sites

We currently live in an era of digital marketing dominated by visual content. Visual content assets have also become a top Social media based primarily on images have emerged. Image sharing platform like Instagram and visual messaging apps such as Snapchat exploded in popularity in recent years. In fact, Instagram is on a fact-track towards one billion users as Snapchat's recent IPO has dominated the tech world in 2017 Instagram due to its reputation as a place for little more than selfies and celebrity gossip. Snapchat's "Self-destructing" Photo messaging platform has proven to be a massive hit with millennials. Videos boasts more shared and conversions than of any type like YouTube and Vimeo are attracting visitors well over one billion daily users.